Assignment: Twilight Zone Crossover Production
Chrissy Guest, Ithaca College
This production course assignment uses archive research techniques to cultivate course discussions around the power of science fiction in establishing empathy and social change. Using the creative work of Rod Serling the assignment examines the social norms of the 1950’s and 1960’s through original Twilight Zones. The students are then tasked with creating their own Twilight Zone using a theme that challenges a social norm. The other course screenings during this assignment include examinations of Netflix’s Black Mirror. The course reading assignments come from Heroes and Villains by Mike Alsford.
Download a PowerPoint overview and a set of instructions below.
PowerPoint: EDITMedia_TwilightZone_Production Assignment Twilight Zone Crossover Assignment_Prof Chrissy Guest
Instructions: Twilight Zone Crossover Assignment_Prof Chrissy Guest
Keywords: constraints, fiction, group project, ideology, short film, social justice, television