Chrissy Guest, Ithaca College This production course assignment uses archive research techniques to cultivate course discussions around the power of science fiction in establishing empathy and social change. Using the…
Jacquelyn Arcy, Saint Xavier University Full assignment downloadable here: “One of our goals in this course is to learn how to use race, gender, and/or sexuality as a lens(es) for…
Professor Bradley Rappa, Ithaca College “This research and production class explores a wide variety of styles and approaches to documentary film production, providing a knowledge base that students can draw…
Professor Amy Hicks, University of Delaware. Course: Experimental Animation Assignment: More here: “You will work collaboratively using rigid material such as torn paper, acetate or tracing paper, newspaper, cut photographs…
Professor Amy Hicks, University of Delaware. Course: New Media Design Assignment: More here: “Code-switching is a linguistic term referring to the use of more than one language within a single…
Professor Amy Hicks, University of Delaware. Course: Intro to Photo and Video Assignment: More here: “For your second project using your DSLR, you are asked to restrict yourself to ONE…

Full assignment here: “Basically, I want to bring Banet-Weiser’s idea of racial ambivalence and her overarching argument to life by having students try to envision representations of race and difference…
On every episodic television series, a production meeting is held a couple of days in advance of the start of a new episode. Each of the series’ department heads, along with the producers, director, writer and post production personnel attend the meeting to discuss the technical and creative elements required to shoot that particular show.