Assignment: Long Takes and Textures

Professor Amy Hicks, University of Delaware. Course: Intro to Photo and Video


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“For your second project using your DSLR, you are asked to restrict yourself to ONE thing. You will collaboratively shoot a minimum of 72 digital still files and 10 motion shots (video) from varying and challenging perspectives using a single light source (key light) to alter the shape and composition of your object. Time your “Long Photos” to be 40-90 seconds in length. Do not exceed that time.

Working in teams, choose one of the following mutable things to use in your construction: aluminum foil, brown paper bag, clothing/fabric, ice, or jello. Using the lighting studio, set-up a construction for the camera. Use one light source as the primary light. You will move the light around and compose through the lens to create SIX (6) strikingly different photographs that convey the drama of being a thing (bring life to the inanimate).

Use lighting, constructing, and a conscious consideration of camera angle to emphasize 1) the shape and contour of the object and 2) the surface and texture. Add TIME to emphasize 3) motion–how your chosen material moves. ”


Keywords: collaboration, composition, constraints, group project, lighting, long take, theory and practice