Whip It makes use of a split screen in this scene explaining the basics of roller derby. By cutting between live-action practice and hand-drawn plays on a whiteboard next to…
Made for The Disability Film Challenge, founded by actor and comedian Nic Novicki, this short film plays with film noir style and themes, as two private investigators work together to…
Professor Amy Hicks, University of Delaware. Course: Intro to Photo and Video Assignment: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/552e82bde4b0dc86eeb0c181/t/55bbc0c4e4b02af068408a76/1438367940606/P2_Constructed280.pdf More here: http://www.amyhicks.xyz/teaching-1/ “For your second project using your DSLR, you are asked to restrict yourself to ONE…
“In this clip, Todd Haynes draws attention to several elements of the composition of his 2015 Oscar-nominated film Carol. Note the use of colors, decor and costuming and how Haynes…
Cinematography: Ellen Kuras. Considered historically important for queer cinema, and also Kuras won awards for cinematography.