As a culminating event following the University of Film and Video Association‘s annual conference, EDIT Media will hold an “unconference” and strategic planning meeting at the University of Minnesota on…

by Augusta Palmer Increasingly, Offices of Accessibility and Accommodations and Centers for Academic Enhancement have much to offer teachers and students in media production. Moreover, new models of teaching and…

by Kathryn Voorneveld “Have any of you seen the show Grey’s Anatomy? There’s an amazing example of realizing white privilege and fragility in one episode,” says my professor. “I have…

by Caitlin Horsmon In the EDIT 10: Best Practices, cultivating crew by “encouraging collaboration and cooperation over auteurism and competition” is the second tenet of inclusive teaching. Every artist knows…
by Kate Raney Linked resource: Building Best Friends: An Exercise in Animated Character Design “Character Matters,” Point 5 in the EDIT 10: Best Practices for Inclusive Teaching in Media Production,…

by Ruth Goldman Linked resource: Hegemonic Cinematography Exercise Those of us who teach lighting know that skin tone greatly affects lighting choices. And those of us who have been teaching media…

Linked resource: Facilitating Inclusive Critique Sessions Imagine you’re facilitating a class discussion and each time you ask the group to chime in, the same three students raise their hands. Of…

Here are a few examples of Small Teaching in a media production classroom: Before receiving any instruction, ask students to predict whether a camera’s aperture would need to be large…

Welcome to Zoom IN: A Blog on Inclusive Teaching. As EDIT Media enters its second year, we’re ramping up our efforts to make teaching that supports all of our students…

EDIT Media is at the University Film and Video Association’s 2018 conference at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces! If you’re at the conference, please join us for two…