EDIT Media is proud to announce the launch of its newest teaching guide, “Introducing Intimacy Coordination in the Media Classroom.” Join us for a kickoff event, including a roundtable discussion…
Friday, April 30th, 2021 3 – 4:30PM EDT/12 -1:30 PDT on Zoom REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register here for the Zoom session. How can leaders in college-level film and media programs…
Friday, March 26th, 2021 3 – 4:30PM EDT/12 -1:30 PDT on Zoom REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register here for the Zoom session. Hear from students – undergraduates, graduate students, and recent…
Co-sponsored by Console-ing Passions Friday, February 5th, 2021 3 – 4:30PM EST on Zoom REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. Register here: https://umich.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcvduuvrz4qEtM-ItTDojSRfLnJpKLFYSx5 What does anti-racist pedagogy look like for film and media…

Sign up to join a community of instructors in transforming your teaching to be more inclusive, collaborative, and equitable in academic year 2020-21. Sign up by September 1st. Are you…

by Jennifer Proctor With widespread shelter-in-place orders and the sudden shift online, our lives as faculty teaching media have been altered radically. We and our students have new and unexpected…

by Kathryn Voorneveld Before starting at Florida State University, Stevenson Guerrier dealt with hardships and barriers that could have stopped him from coming to college. With the death of his…
As a culminating event following the University of Film and Video Association‘s annual conference, EDIT Media will hold an “unconference” and strategic planning meeting at the University of Minnesota on…

by Augusta Palmer Increasingly, Offices of Accessibility and Accommodations and Centers for Academic Enhancement have much to offer teachers and students in media production. Moreover, new models of teaching and…

by Kathryn Voorneveld “Have any of you seen the show Grey’s Anatomy? There’s an amazing example of realizing white privilege and fragility in one episode,” says my professor. “I have…