EDIT Media is excited to announce join forces with the Broadcast Education Association in our combined efforts to create inclusive and equitable education in media production programs. Featuring the theme “Inclusive Media,” this year’s BEA convention in Las Vegas promises to spotlight these issues broadly and rigorously.
Look for EDIT Media at the convention where co-founder Vaun Monroe (UNT-Dallas) will be leading the Topic Talk “Imperfect Allies: Building coalitions to effectively root out institutional bias in the Ivory Tower” and sharing the EDIT 5.
Kim Zarkin, Chair of the BEA Diversity & Inclusion Committee, had this to say about the new partnership: “I am thrilled to embark on a partnership with EDIT Media. Both organizations are dedicated to helping professors make their classrooms places where every student’s voice and viewpoint is heard. Our shared goal is to make sure that equity and inclusion are central to our pedagogy not just something that is added on. I look forward to sharing EDIT’s excellent resources with all our BEA members.”
Here are a few additional highlights of inclusive pedagogy programming at BEA this year:
- College radio’s digital dilemma: Issues in leveraging online platforms for inclusive programming and organizational structure. Tue, Apr 10, 11:30am to 12:30pm, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Pavilion 11. How does your college radio station define diversity and inclusion? To what degree does your station utilize online platforms? And what’s the connection between the two? Find out as you learn how your station can benefit from effectively using online platforms. Also, get advice and tips for increased usage of the various online platforms with the goal of improving station campus and community inclusiveness through programming, promotion and organizational structure. Bring your tips as well!
- No One Left Behind: Inclusive Voices. Sun, Apr 8, 1:45 to 2:45pm, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Pavilion 1. This panel discusses and shares innovative lectures and practices that can be applied in the classroom to teach students how to include diverse voices in their various media messages. Students should be aware of making sure the voiceless are included and heard. This includes traditional, Internet-based, long or short-form news, documentaries, advertising, marketing and public relations. It has to start somewhere. Why not on the front lines of the academy? Learn new ways to invigorate learners to include all voices in their work.
- Tenure and Promotion: Supporting Inclusive Practices at your University. Mon, Apr 9, 9:45 to 10:45am, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Pavilion 1. The assignment of academic rank and the award of tenure are important experiences in an academic career. This process protects intellectual standards, academic integrity, and academic freedom. This panel aims to share experiences from the full spectrum of the tenure and promotion process with an aim in helping those working through the process with an eye toward practices and considerations on both sides of the process. Whether you are working toward tenure and/or promotion or an administrator helping your faculty work through the process, this panel will be helpful to you. Each panelists will share his or her experiences and roles in the tenure and promotion process. This panel will also discuss some of the inclusive initiatives used to promote and uphold inclusivity policies in higher education.
- Adding Diversity to Course Curricula: It’s Easier Than You Think. Tue, Apr 10, 10:15 to 11:15am, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Ballroom G. Regardless of the curricula, the inclusion of diversity only enhances the educational outcomes. Most of us teach from similar text and use similar examples, but do we ever examine what that representation looks like? This panel aims to provide a glimpse at ways we can all add diversity to our curricula and show better representation in the classroom.
- Out of your Comfort Zone: How inclusive media challenges and improves our students’ work and their future prospects. Tue, Apr 10, 9:00 to 10:00am, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Pavilion 1. While the college experience is usually rich with new experiences students will frequently retreat to “safe” areas in their projects when given the opportunity to do so. Part of our job is to challenge that status quo and expand our students’ vision of the world. When successful, the reward is apparent. This panel explores case studies in how and why rupturing the comfort zone helps create more successful media and positively impacts our students’ futures.
- Teaching About Gender and Sexuality in Media-Related Courses. Sun, Apr 8, 9:45 to 10:45am, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Pavilion. Discussion of the importance and relevance of teaching courses that focus on women and LGBTQ+ auteurs/creators/producers/directors in a mass media curriculum. Panelists will discuss the modern and historical relevance of such content, as well as the importance of teaching students utilizing inclusive media content and instructional techniques.
- Interactive Documentary and Diversity in the Classroom Setting. Sun, Apr 8, 4:30 to 5:30pm, Westgate Hotel & Casino, Pavilion 2. Interactive documentaries require thinking outside the box of teaching video production, both in the field and the classroom. This panel will address best practices for fieldwork and production, issues of disability discourse, and realizations of working with students producing mult-platform and interactive documentaries in digital media and journalism courses. The documentaries shared in this panel include websites, 360 videos, infographics and social media to further enhance and provide in-depth experiences in storytelling.