Co-sponsored by Console-ing Passions
Friday, February 5th, 2021
3 – 4:30PM EST on Zoom
What does anti-racist pedagogy look like for film and media programs in the post-Trump era? What strategies can instructors focus on to ensure courses are not just non-racist, but explicitly anti-racist? What kinds of resources can faculty draw upon specific to film and media to move their anti-racist aims forward? And, given the increased prominence of white supremacy globally, nationally, and on campuses, how can faculty be prepared to confront these issues in their classrooms, in media – and even, potentially, in student work?
This roundtable featuring faculty from film and media studies, film and media production, and screenwriting will seek to respond to these questions and beyond. Attendees will be encouraged to ask their own questions as well.

Giovanna Chesler, MFA (George Mason University)

Bambi Haggins, PhD (UC Irvine)

Colleen Kelly-Poplin, MFA (Emerson College)

Priscilla Peña Ovalle, PhD (U of Oregon)

Vaun Monroe, MFA (Wiley College)

Hunter Hargraves, Phd (CSU Fullerton)
Moderated by:
Miranda Banks, Ph.D. (Loyola Marymount U) and Jennifer Proctor, MFA (U Mich Dearborn), co-founders, EDIT Media
Great, please use the link posted above (under the date of the event) to register.