Assignment: Framing and Cutting

Charles G. Miller, University of California, San Diego. Course: Editing Theory and Production

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“For the 1st part (subject in space), it will probably be helpful to imagine a loose/impressionistic story, and/or a cinematic “look” that you are interested in exploring. You are free to incorporate this idea into the subsequent shots, however they need to stand alone (so 12 shots total). The project is less about complex, developed narratives and more about re-familiarizing yourself with the shooting / framing process.

Part 2: Editing: building something out of nothing. Swap your assets with a partner. Edit them into something cohesive. Shoot additional scenes and/ or add assets if you feel it would round out the narrative/sequence that is emerging. Aprox. 2 minutes, but there is no time minimum for this exercise. “

Keywords: collaboration, constraints, editing, theory and practice