Assignment: Conceptual Elaboration and Inclusive Representation: A Media Authoring Lesson

Professor Juliet Davis, University of Tampa

Full assignment downloadable below, which includes a variety of options for the types of media authoring students can do to meet the goals of the assignment.

“This lesson plan shares methods for teaching visual authoring devices that encourage audiences to engage in a high level of conceptual elaboration on social justice issues (beyond and including media representation itself). Topics include ability, “race,” ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and age (note: issues related to social class will be featured in a later update). This lesson includes the following topics:

  1. Learning Objectives
  2. Prerequisite Knowledge and Skill
  3. Methods
  4. Timing and Organization
  5. Presentation: Visual Authoring Devices Explained and Illustrated
    1. Allusion, Metaphor, Analogy, Synecdoche, and Metonymy
    2. Manipulation or Destabilization of a Sign (e.g., Symbol, Index, Cultural Icon, or Other Meme)
    3. Manipulating Expectations: Unexpected Twists, Irony, Paradox, Reversal
    4. Exaggeration and Other Manipulations of Scale
    5. Parody and Satire
    6. Surrealism and the Otherwise Bizarre
    7. Alternative Use or Combination of Objects
    8. Visual Narrative

    Note this section includes useful readings on media representation issues that can be strategically coupled with each authoring device and its examples.

  6. Common Challenges in Media Representation Related to Audience Conceptual Elaboration
  7. Sample Assignment Sheet and Grading Rubric”
Missing Attachment,

Keywords: LGBTQ, ability/disability, analysis, collaboration, gender, race, representation, transgender