amik(waa) (Caroline Monnet, 2015 Canada)

“A myriad of fragmented light flickers up and down the interior walls, slipping out between the panels. Monnet creates this fractal ethereal light motif using a technique more akin to F.W. Murnau’s early German Expressionist films. In Nosferatu, for instance, space and matter dematerialize with the simple shifting of light and shadow. Characters grow, walls move and the sky opens up all by the interplay of contrasting black and white planes. The effect was aimed to blur the lines between what was “real” and what was “dream” or more aptly, “nightmare.” In Amik(waa) Monnet sets out to take from both visual art and film and bring us to that nether world, to see the dreams she has invoked.

– Joseph K. Kalturnyk”

Caroline Monnet is a First Nations filmmaker in Canada.

Keywords: abstract, experimental, indigenous