Directed by Julia Myers and written by activist and author Day Al-Mohamed, who is visually impaired, this female-driven short film uses humor to tackle a serious issue in a short…
“A BAFTA-nominated comedy about friendship and routines, set entirely in a police patrol car.”
“An African family, lost in America, travels to a Louisiana church to find a cure for its problem child. Official Selection: Sundance Film Festival 2013, SXSW 2013, Telluride Film Festival…
“Part documentary, part fiction, Ajube Kete is positioned as a day in the life of a West African girl. Filmed in the village of Kumasi, Ghana the story follows a…
“800 riyals. Too Expensive for you.” A rebellious Saudi girl (Waad Mohammed) enters a Koran recitation competition at her school and hopes to win enough money to buy her own…
A deal between two men threatens to unravel as tensions rise in this contemporary look at indigenous language and culture.
“After years of repression, a woman must journey back to her past and confronts her memories of teenage abuse while growing up on the Big Island of Hawaii. Adapted from…
Watch Jane Campion‘s 1982 short film “Peel” here:
“Kenya’s first science fiction film imagines a dystopian future 35 years after water wars have torn the world apart.”