“A sunny afternoon on an architecture tour boat in Chicago is haunted by the specter of the European refugee crises as a disembodied narrator recounts a much more dangerous voyage…
“A sunny afternoon on an architecture tour boat in Chicago is haunted by the specter of the European refugee crises as a disembodied narrator recounts a much more dangerous voyage…
“Plus-size pole dancer Roslyn Mays uncovers vulnerability and strength through public exposure.” Discussion guide and more here: https://www.dangerouscurves-doc.com/
“A Chicago teenager decides to reveal their true identity during a spoken word performance.”
A scene of violence on the street and the interrupter who helped diminish it. Video here: https://vimeo.com/80691269
“New technology, same old racism. The practices and forces that constitute post-cinema are enabling new ways of visualizing race and racism. The new racist logic of the digital age is…
“Born in 1942, raised in Jersey City, and educated at Skidmore and the Sorbonne, Kathy Collins was an activist with SNCC during the Civil Rights Movement who went on to…
57 min. Full film available online on Fandor (subscription) or Kanopy (library subscription) or on DVD at California Newsreel. Ethnic Notions is Marlon Riggs’ Emmy-winning documentary that takes viewers on a disturbing…
Video essay on cinematography techniques of African-American cinematographer Bradford Young.
Game here (Windows only): https://timecube.itch.io/easy-level-life “Easy Level Life is a very short experience showing a glimpse of life for people of color in society today. In a hostile world, the lives…
J, an awkward black girl, navigates the embarrassing minefield of love, friendship, and office politics.